October 9, 2023
The Mid-Carolina Varsity Cheerleaders placed first in the 1A/2A division at the BHP Bear Cheer Classic on Saturday!
October 9, 2023
Congratulations to our Senior Volleyball Players! They were recognized at their game last week.
October 9, 2023
On Friday, October 6, 2023 Mid-Carolina High School held College Application Day through SCCANGO. MCHS seniors applied to numerous colleges and universities as regional college r...
October 9, 2023
Are you a 9 th or 10 th grade student in the top 10% of your class? Are you interested in an exclusive program to explore your academic future? Then this exciting opport...
October 5, 2023
The MCHS Cross Country Team celebrated Senior Night on October 4 at the Jackie Harris Track. Pictured below are our seniors....Congratulations!
October 3, 2023
The Veterans Day program is scheduled for Friday, November 10. The Veterans appreciation breakfast starts at 8:15AM in the cafeteria followed by the ceremony in the gymnasium at 9...
October 3, 2023
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Friday, October 13 from 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM. Parent/Teacher conferences on Octobe...
October 2, 2023
Students drew Chullos (Peruvian hats,) made luminarias which are Spanish in origin and popular in Mexico, and wore traditional clothes from Peru and drew a traditional animal of ...
October 2, 2023
October 28 MC Homecoming Dance Outside Guest Approval Form Link - If your date is not a student at MCHS, you will need to fill out the guest approval form and return it to Mrs. De...
September 25, 2023
Congratulations to the MCHS Competitive Cheer Team on finishing 2nd in Class AA at the Competitive Cheer Okra Strut Invitational that was held at Irmo High School on Saturday, S...
September 25, 2023
The swim teams attended both the women's and men's invitational at the Blatt Natatorium in Columbia. This is the same facility that hosts our AAA State Swim meet, so we take adva...
September 25, 2023
Mrs. Aquilano's Spanish 2 class has been celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with a project called "Las Luminarias". Students learned about this Hispanic tradition and created the...
September 25, 2023
Swim Update from 9/21
Newberry Swimming was on the road last night and will be on the road again this Sunday. Yesterday we competed against: Brookland Cayce, Lexin...
September 20, 2023
Coach Wilbanks will have a Girls basketball interest meeting on Friday, September 22, right after-school in the gym. E-mail gwilbanks@sdnc.org for more information!
September 20, 2023
9th Grade Career Center Field Trip Permission Form Please view the following video on the courses offered at the Career Center: https://www.newberrycountycareercenter.org/o...
September 20, 2023
Our Senior Swimmers were recognized last week at their swim meet. Congratulations, Cassidy Price and Braedon Connelly!
September 20, 2023
Our senior athletes and band members were recognized at the exciting varsity football game on Friday, September 15. Below are a few pictures of the memorable night; as Mid-Caroli...