Now accepting nominations for Gallman Elementary's School Improvement Council (SIC). The SIC is a group of parents, teachers, community members, administrators, and others who work together to set goals to improve our school. Terms for SIC are two years (2020-2022) and we are asking for nominations of parents to serve on this team! Click the link below for more information and to make a nomination: Nominations must be made by Friday, September 18th.
over 4 years ago, Gallman Elementary School
Nominate Now
Join Cub Scouts! Open to boys and girls in K-5th Grade! See the flyer for more information.
over 4 years ago, Gallman Elementary School
Scouts Flyer was sent home with students
🐊Attention Parents of Hybrid Students🐊 In case you missed tonight's weekly phone call- here's all of the information! 🐊There is no school on Monday, September 7th because it is Labor Day. Students in Cohort 1 (Mondays/Thursdays) will return to school on Thursday, September 10th. 🐊Attendance on eLearning Days- On the days your child is not at school, attendance is still taken. Attendance is tied to the work students are completing at home on those 3 days. The days they are not in school are not free days. Students must complete the work assigned by teachers on those days. If a child consistently does not complete work, those days will be counted as absences, so please make sure your child is doing what teachers are assigning on the eLearning days. 🐊Please make sure devices come to school fully charged EVERY DAY. This is not an option. 🐊In order for any child to take home a district device, a parent agreement must be signed. That agreement can be found here: 🐊If you have questions about your child's class, please contact your child's teacher. Please be mindful that teachers have families also, so emails, phone calls, and texts should be during normal business hours. Teachers will respond during their working hours. 🐊Students have been doing an excellent job wearing masks! Please continue to encourage them to wear masks every day and to maintain social distance from others. 🐊A Scouts meeting will be held for any boys or girls interested in Scouts on Thursday, September 10th at 6pm. The meeting will take place at the Scout Hut on the corner of Speers Street and Pope Terrace. For more information, contact Erik Uselton at 901-600-3210 🐊All students must have a valid SC Immunization Certificate on file. If there is not a valid SC Certificate on file when the nurses audit records, you will be notified and given 30 days to send a valid certificate to your child's school. If there is not one on file at that time, the student will not be allowed to attend school. These absences will not be excused. 🐊Please make sure your child knows how they are getting home each day. Make sure they know their bus number (Gator 1, Gator 2, Gator 3, or Gator 4). If there is a change to your child's regular mode of transportation, there must be a written note in your child's agenda. 🐊Thank you for your hard work, patience, and support as we have ventured into a new school year. No one is expected to be perfect- not you, not the students, and not the teachers. What's important is that we are all trying and we're getting better each and every day! You are appreciated and we hope you have a CHOMP, CHOMP, CHOMP Gatoriffic Week!
over 4 years ago, Gallman Elementary School
🖱Attention Parents of Virtual Students🖱 In case you missed tonight's weekly phone call- here's all of the information! 🖱There is no school on Monday, September 7th because it is Labor Day. Teachers will not be meeting with students. 🖱Laptop Covers- Many 3rd-5th graders have not picked up their laptop covers. You may do this between 8:00-3:00. 🖱Attendance- Students must log in to Schoology and attend the Google Meetings held by teachers daily to be marked present. Students must join the class during live sessions. 🖱Questions about Class- If you have questions about your child's class, please contact your child's teacher. Please be mindful that teachers have families also, so emails, phone calls, and texts should all be during normal business hours. Teachers will respond during their working hours when they are not doing any live teaching sessions. 🖱Virtual School Manners- We need to make sure students are practicing virtual school manners while in live meetings with the teachers. Students should: - Sit at a table or desk and in a chair. Avoid the bed. - Dress for school- get ready each morning by brushing your hair and teeth and putting on clothes (no pajamas or underwear). - Be positioned away from distractions- please remove any toys, games, and other distractions from the student's workspace. - Have a consistent space away from others in the house, noise, and people walking by - Use headphones (some were provided) to limit sound distractions in the house - Use the mute function when asked to - Use the chat function for work only- not social time 🖱Reminders for adults during virtual school- Adults should be mindful of their conversations while students are online live. The microphone can pick up conversations away from the computer. Also, be careful of what you are wearing while walking in view of the camera and ensure it is appropriate. Remember, your child's whole class and teacher can see and hear you. We would like to avoid any potentially embarrassing situations for your child. 🖱Scouts Meeting- A representative from the Scouts will meet with boys and girls on Thursday, September 10th at 6pm at the Scout Hut on the corner of Speers Street and Pope Terrace. For more information about Scouts, contact Erik Uselton at 901-600-3210 🖱Immunization Certificate- All students, including virtual, must have a valid SC Immunization Certificate on file. If there is not a valid SC certificate on file when the nurses audit records, you will be given 30 days to send a valid certificate to your child's school. If there is not one on file at that time, the student will not be allowed to attend school and access to the Newberry ONE virtual school will be discontinued until one is provided. These absences will not be excused. 🖱Weekly Meals- If you would like to sign up to pick up meals for the week (pickup is on Wednesday), please click here: Sign up must be completed by midnight on Sunday each week. Meal pickup will be at the back of the cafeteria. Please ring the doorbell and one of our cafeteria ladies will bring the food out to you. 🖱Thank you for your hard work, patience, and support as we have ventured into this new journey of virtual learning together. It is getting easier and better each week. Remember, this is new to us all. No one is expected to be perfect- not you, not your students, and not the teachers. The important thing is that we are all trying and we are getting better each and every day! You are appreciated! Have a CHOMP, CHOMP, CHOMP, Gatoriffic Week!
over 4 years ago, Gallman Elementary School
Starting Monday, face masks with valves or vents will not be allowed to be worn by staff or students. This is to be in compliance with the latest guidelines from the CDC and updates to the Parent/Guardian Toolkit. Students who do not have a mask that follows these new guidelines will be given a temporary mask to wear at school.
over 4 years ago, Gallman Elementary School
Face Mask Update
Toolkit Tip #3- Please keep updated contact information on file at the school.
over 4 years ago, Gallman Elementary School
Update Contact Info
Update Contact Info
The Boys and Girls Club of the Midlands is offering a full-day program for hybrid students on their eLearning days and for virtual students. Check out the information in the flyer below and contact the Boys and Girls Club for more info.
over 4 years ago, Gallman Elementary School
Boys and Girls Club Options
The Parent/Guardian Toolkit has been updated. The most recent changes are to the section about masks, especially masks with exhalation valves or vents. The changes state: The purpose of masks is to keep respiratory droplets from reaching others to aid with source control. Masks with one-way valves or vents allow exhaled air to be expelled out through holes in the material. This can allow exhaled respiratory droplets to reach others and potentially spread the COVID-19 virus. Therefore, CDC does not recommend using masks if they have an exhalation valve or vent. View the complete document in English: Or in Spanish:
over 4 years ago, Gallman Elementary School
Attention Parents! The Office of Child Nutrition is offering take home/pick up meals for students. Take a look at the photo and link below for more information. Meals for Newberry ONE (virtual) students must be ordered by Sunday at midnight. Newberry One e-Learning Meal Order Form:
over 4 years ago, Gallman Elementary School
Child Nutrition Virtual Options
Please see the following information from Mrs. Kim Hamilton, Newberry ONE eLearning Director, for our Newberry ONE (virtual) Families: “We are so excited for our first official week back to school! While virtual learning is new for us, we are eager to begin and tackle this new venture. Please bear with us, as we are continually learning and updating our systems. Below are a few reminders to help us start our week off: 1. Student schedules can be found in parent/student portal starting today. Please be sure to check your child’s schedule. Middle school and high school schedules are still being updated over the weekend, so please check back Monday morning prior to logging on using the link below. If you have a question about your child’s log in time, please email the assigned teacher using parent/student portal. 2. Schoology is the Learning Management System we are using for our virtual program. Please follow the steps listed below to log in. You will need your student’s User Name and Password. The user name is the student’s email and the password is the same password used to log on the computer. If you need this information please contact the homeschool or email . 3. HIGH SCHOOL ONLY- Spanish and Credit recovery will not be live streamed, and will take place at the students’ pace. Login information for these courses is being finalized and will be shared later. Please note that these classes will NOT begin on Monday. Your student will be contacted when these classes are ready. 4. Parents will receive access codes for Schoology from their child’s teacher(s) once all schedules have been finalized.”
over 4 years ago, Gallman Elementary School
Schoology is our new LMS (Learning Management System) and students, both hybrid and Newberry 1 (virtual) will be using it to complete work. Here are some helpful guides for students and parents: Student guide to Schoology: Parent guide to Schoology:
over 4 years ago, Gallman Elementary School
See info about the Be Great Academy After School Program
over 4 years ago, Gallman Elementary School
Info about Be Great Academy
Toolkit Tip #2
over 4 years ago, Gallman Elementary School
Self Screen before coming to school
Self Screen before coming to school
The Parent/Guardian Toolkit was updated on August 17th. Please view the newest versions by clicking the links below. English: Spanish:
over 4 years ago, Gallman Elementary School
Internet Information! 💻If you applied for a free Internet hotspot, you were approved. When hotspots are delivered to our school, we'll contact you and arrange a time for parents to pick them up! 💻Also, check out this information about a deal from Comcast for Internet service:
over 4 years ago, Gallman Elementary School
We are excited to welcome all of our Gallman Gators back to school! We strongly encourage you to complete registration online this year at! Registration can also be done in person on August 12 from 1pm-6pm or August 13 from 8am-1pm. Masks are required. Tomorrow (8/10) or Tuesday (8/11) you should receive a phone call to discuss your child’s scheduled LEAP day, laptop/iPad checkout, and hybrid students will find out which days they will attend school. All students (Hybrid & Nby 1) will participate in one LEAP day during the week of August 17-21 from 7:45am-2:30pm. Transportation, breakfast, and lunch will be provided on these days. If you have any questions about Registration or LEAP days, please call the school at 321-2655!
over 4 years ago, Gallman Elementary School
Registration and LEAP Day Information
The Parent/Guardian Toolkit has been updated! The latest revisions were made this weekend. Please click the links to view the newest versions. English: Spanish:
over 4 years ago, Gallman Elementary School
The Parent/Guardian Toolkit has been updated! Please view the newest version by clicking the links below. English: Spanish:
over 4 years ago, Gallman Elementary School
The parent/guardian toolkit provided by the School District of Newberry County has been UPDATED. This toolkit provides information to parents/guardians about the health practices that will be put in place as we plan for students' return to school. The updated documents are linked below: English: Spanish:
over 4 years ago, Gallman Elementary School
A parent/guardian toolkit for reopening has been shared by our district and is linked below. This toolkit has been developed to provide information to parents/guardians to help you understand the health practices that will be put in place when students return to school. It will be important for all of us to work together to help decrease the spread of the virus. Review and revision of this document will be completed as new guidance is received. English: Spanish:
over 4 years ago, Gallman Elementary School